Face Workout Program
- by Florence LAVAL
- 45 min - 165 € / Group lessons 165 € for 6 sessions
A real workout for your skin and muscles!

What exactly is The Face Workout Program ?
Face Workout Program includes Face Yoga exercices, self-massage and the use of beauty tools such cupping, guasha, rollers and ridoki. This program aims to release tensions created by your facial expressions and to build the muscles that are not activated. It also promotes better blood and lymphatic circulation, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to the cells.
Face Yoga exercices will have an action on:
● expression lines
● sagging skin
● loss of volume on the face muscles
● retention (bags under the eyes, double chin …)
● skin problems (redness, acnea…)
● the radiance of the skin
How does the program work?
You will learn new exercices and self massage every week. Six sessions of 45 min, once a week. At the end of the program you will be able to activate all the facial muscles, to drain and sculpt your face and you will know a specific routine tailored for your face.
Your engagement
- Take twice a day 10 minutes to perform your exercises.
- Once a week, take 30 minutes to perform all the exercises.
- Take a photo of yourself before starting the program, a front photo and profile. These will allow us to analyze your face and give you better advice.
- Take a photo after the six sessions in exactly the same position, same lighting . This will allow us to see results and guide you for future progress.
- Don’t miss your class! It is important to create a routine. If you miss a class, this one is not refundable. You will learn the missed exercices during the next class.
At the beginning when we have to reactivate the muscles, we hold the position for 30 seconds and it can be painful. It works the same as when we strengthen the muscles of our body in the gym. Also if you have tension in the jaw, some exercises will be more painful but also very beneficial for temporomandibular joint problems due to excess tension.
It’s perfectly safe, only in a few specific cases you should wait before starting the program :
Botox: wait 4 weeks / Hyaluronic acid fillers: wait 4 weeks / Surgery: wait 4 months / Lift tensor threads: Face Yoga is not recommended.
If you have TMJ problems please contact us before registration.
Consult your doctor before joining the program if you have any health problems.
After the first sessions your skin will glow. After five weeks of training your sagging skin will be toned. After 2-3 months, you will gain in volume. A transformation of your face will take several months, be patient as it’s a natural long lasting result!
Group lessons
Face Workout Program 6 sessions of 45 minutes including a small and a big cup
Classes take place every Monday morning (except school holidays) at 9:00 am.
The classes will be organized on 6 consecutive Mondays in order to complete the program.
Invest in your beauty, confidence and health!